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MILLA'S – family fun made simple!

My sons always wanted all kinds of crazy cakes for their birthday parties, and I did

my best to make them happy, having lots

of fun with them meanwhile.


We created the Python cake, the Ufo cake, a Ladybug Convention cake, a Glitter cake and we even invented a Poop cake, which – needless to say –

was a success at all kinds of parties!


My sons wanted to bake all the time and their friends LOVED our cakes, that's how I realised we should make it possible for more families to have as much fun as we were having, by making a book!


After more books and after being invited on several children's TV-shows, morning shows and being offered to redesign IKEA's baking range, Milla's became a brand of its own, offering books, apps and baking stuff. 

Milla's BDay Invites App for iPad

​(download it for free in AppStore)


This app is so user friendly that children can make their birthday invitations by themselves (almost, anyway)!

I got the idea for this app while driving around my then seven-year-old son to

all his fifteen friends and cousins so he could give them the invitations I had spent half a day to write. I thought: "THERE MUST BE A BETTER WAY TO DO THIS!" And, well, now there is! 

And what can be cooler than making a Birthday Invitation (almost) all by yourself, with YOU in the picture!?

Milla's + Panduro

Panduro, Scandinavia's leading company in crafts products, asked me to develop a range of Milla's baking products for kids and their families to be sold in all their Swedish and Norwegian shops (more than 100 shops altogether) on a two year contract. The range was a huge success and I'm now looking into the possibility of creating a new range with another company.

Milla's + Panduro

This is how the Milla's baking stuff range was presented in the Panduro shops.

The photo on the right shows home-crafted candy made with Milla's sugarpaste. Real simple and fun!

Milla's logo


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